Study in Japan Fair 2024 (Online)


Study in Japan Fair 2024 (Online) Flyer

1. Overview

This online event is for those interested in study in Japan. You can consult individually with Japanese universities, Professional Training Colleges (Specialized Training Colleges Postsecondary Course), Japanese Language Institutes, and other educational institutes at their Virtual Rooms via Zoom. You can also participate in seminars on overview of study in Japan, scholarships, and experiences of study in Japan. Admission is free and no advance application is required. Please check our Special Website for this event, and we look forward to seeing you online!

2. Event Type

Online(English only)

3. Date

December 7 (Saturday), 2024 12:00-18:30(JST)
December 8 (Sunday), 2024 12:00-17:50(JST)

4. Target Participants

  • High school and university students wishing to study in Japan
  • College guidance counselors
  • International educators, etc.

5. How to Apply

No reservation required (Online registration will be opened for obtaining event‘s information in advance)

6. Participation Fee

Free of charge

7. Program

(1) Providing information about participating institutions

Each institutions' basic information, schedule, and detailed information of virtual seminars are posted on the special event website.

(2) Virtual seminars conducted by participating institutions

Presentations by institutions about their academic programs and features as well as Q&A sessions are livestreamed.

(3) Study in Japan online seminars

JASSO hosts the virtual seminars to provide basic information on studying in Japan, tips for Japanese life, and how to prepare for the examinations.

9. Link

10. Organizers

(1) Organizer

Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)

(2) Supporters

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
  • The Japan Foundation
  • Japan External Trade Organization

(3) Cooperators

  • Alumni associations, and other relevant organizations.

11. Inquiry


2-2-1 Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-8630, Japan
Independent Administrative Institution Japan Student Services Organization
Information Services Division Student Exchange Department
E-mail: infoin【@】
When sending e-mails, please remove "【"and "】" before and after "@".

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