
특집:귀국유학생회 소개

Japan Alumni of Cambodia (JAC)

About Us

The Japan Alumni of Cambodia (JAC) serves as a hub for Cambodians who have studied in Japan. Since our establishment in 2002, JAC has expanded to include more than 1,500 members, showcasing the extensive reach and influence of our association. We have been dedicated to fostering strong ties among alumni and promoting collaboration between Cambodia and Japan. Our diverse network includes fresh graduates, business leaders, NGO executives, and senior government officials.

JAC's Khmer New Year Party JAC's Khmer New Year Party (April. 2023)

JAC's Year End Party JAC's Year End Party (December. 2023)

Our Relationships

Domestically, JAC maintains robust relationships with Cambodian government ministries, the Embassy of Japan in Cambodia, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the Japanese Business Association of Cambodia (JBAC), the Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center (CJCC), and the local Japanese community. Internationally, we engage with fellow Japanese alumni in ASEAN nations through close cooperation with the ASEAN Council of Japan Alumni (ASCOJA) and the Asia Japan Alumni International (ASJA).

JAC's president participated in ASJA Forum in Tokyo JAC's president participated in ASJA Forum in Tokyo (July. 2023)

Our Domestic Activities

JAC actively facilitates various initiatives with the support of the Embassy of Japan in Cambodia, the Japan Foundation, JBAC, among others. Our efforts include cultural events, academic partnerships, and business networking opportunities. Additionally, we provide guidance to Cambodian students pursuing scholarships for study in Japan and conduct motivational school visits, where we share insights and resources to inspire the next generation.

Integral to our domestic outreach is the JAC Scholarship Program. With the generous support and donations from our alumni, the JAC Scholarship Program offers financial aid to university students who show leadership potential and could significantly impact Cambodian society but require financial support to realize their dreams.

25 university students being awarded JAC's scholarship 25 university students being awarded JAC's scholarship (February. 2023)

JAC's School Visit to a high school at a province JAC's School Visit to a high school at a province (June. 2023)

JAC's School Visit to another high school at a province JAC's School Visit to another high school at a province (June. 2023)

Our International Activities

In 2018, JAC hosted the 24th ASCOJA Conference in Siem Reap, receiving commendation from Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs for bolstering the relationship between Cambodia and Japan.

The 24th ASCOJA Conference The 24th ASCOJA Conference (Oct. 2018)

Being awarded the Commendation of Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan Being awarded the Commendation of Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan (Oct. 2018)

Our delegates contributed to the 27th ASJA-ASCOJA-PERSADA International Symposium in Jakarta, highlighting strategies for post-COVID economic recovery strategies and the vital role of Japan-ASEAN trade and investment relations.

JAC delegation team participated in 27th ASJA-ASCOJA-PERSADA International Symposium and Conference in Jakarta, Indonesia JAC delegation team participated in 27th ASJA-ASCOJA-PERSADA International Symposium and Conference in Jakarta, Indonesia

In 2023, our representatives, including a courtesy visit with Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, showcased the contributions of Japanese scholarship alumni at the ASJA Forum in Tokyo, further solidifying our international partnerships.

Courtesy Visit with Japan's Prime Minister Courtesy Visit with Japan's Prime Minister (July. 2023)

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