
특집:귀국유학생회 소개

Myanmar Association of Japan Alumni (MAJA)

MAJA (Myanmar Association of Japan Alumni) was established on 10 December 2001, the National Day of the Union of Myanmar, with 49 founding members. Most of them were our patrons who studied in Japan during the Second World War years of 1943-1945.

Though official organization was not formed over the years before the establishment of MAJA, former Japan Alumni had been quite active, sending trainees to Japan and neighboring countries under Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship (AOTS) program. MAJA was officially recognized by the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Union of Myanmar on 28 February, 2002.

Since then, the membership has increased and the content of activities has widened. In November 2009, MAJA hosted for the first time ASEAN Council of Japan Alumni (ASCOJA) Conference in Yangon, Myanmar. As of November 2023, there are approximately 6,000 MAJA members.

H.E., Mr. Yasuo FUKUDA, former Prime Minister of Japan, arriving at Chatrium Hotel, Yangon Myanmar together with Dr. U Khin Shwe, President of Myanmar-Japan Friendship Association for attending 18th ASCOJA conference on November 6, 2009.

Prof. Dr. Myo Khin, President of MAJA, delivering his presentation at the 27th ASCOJA Conference at Auditorium Building, Darma Persada University, Jakarta, Indonesia on 8th July 2023.


  1. MAJA conducts Examination for Japanese Universities for International Students (EJU) twice a year.
  2. MAJA administers Japanese Language Proficiency Test in cooperation with Japan Foundation in July and December, every year.
  3. MAJA conducts Top J Exam once in January, May, and July annually.
  4. In corporation with the Embassy of Japan and Okayama University, MAJA hold the Study in Japan Advisory.
  5. MAJA organizes an occasion for paying respect to the Patrons of MAJA once a year, in accordance with the Buddhist tradition.
  6. MAJA conducts Japanese Speech Contest and Translation Test (Japanese Language to Myanmar Language) once a year in cooperation with the Embassy of Japan. MAJA also conducts Kake International Japanese Speech Contest in cooperation with the Kake Educational Institution.
  7. MAJA holds Executive Committee meetings once every three months, Central Executive Committee meeting once a month, and also Emergency meetings whenever necessary.
  8. MAJA holds Annual General Meeting in March every year.
  9. MAJA interviews and selects for Asahi Shinbun Scholarship, HONDA Y-E-S Award, Asia Kakehashi Project, and Exchange Programs such as N.I.Y.E and TYCA every year.
  10. MAJA attends ASJA, ASCOJA meetings, seminars, and conferences as accordingly.
  11. MAJA selects of MEXT Scholarship students together with Embassy of Japan every year, to be sent for the Under Graduate, College of Technology, Specialized Training and Post Graduate Courses in Japan.

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