JICA Ogata Research Institute Upcoming Event

How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted international student mobility at the higher education level in the UK and Japan?

Join us Tuesday 1/18 as Professors Kariya Takehiko (Oxford University) and Takahara Akio (the University of Tokyo) reflect on the past two years of the pandemic and discuss the future of study abroad and higher education in the age of COVID-19.

Subject:International Student Mobility and Higher Education in the age of COVID-19: Reflections from Oxford University and the University of Tokyo

How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted international student mobility at the higher education level in the UK and Japan?
The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has left no corner of our lives untouched, with higher education as no exception.
As of April 2020, approximately 220 million tertiary students worldwide faced disruption to their education as universities temporarily closed due to the pandemic. Since then, as an emergency measure, classes have been widely held online in Japan and globally. Moreover, restrictions on international travel have greatly impacted students with plans of study abroad, forcing them to postpone or cancel their plans or change their study locations.
In this forum, Professor Kariya Takehiko of Oxford University and Professor Takahara Akio of the University of Tokyo will discuss the current situation and challenges facing education at these two universities in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. They will share their visions for study abroad programs and university education both during the pandemic and in the post-COVID world.
The audience will have the opportunity to ask questions prior to and during the dialogue to facilitate discussion relevant to audience interest and concern.

Day: January 18, 2022, 16:00 - 17:00

Place: Online participation via Zoom *We will send Zoom ID after registration.

For more details and registrationhttps://www.jica.go.jp/jica-ri/news/event/20220118_01.html

Language:Japanese and English (simultaneous interpretation available)

16:00-16:05 Opening remarks
Makimoto Saeda, Principal Research Fellow, JICA Ogata Research Institute

16:05-16:55 Dialogue
“Realities and challenges at Oxford University and the University of Tokyo during the COVID-19 pandemic”

Kariya Takehiko, Professor at Oxford University/Distinguished Fellow, JICA Ogata Research Institute
Takahara Akio, Professor at the University of Tokyo/Exective Director, JICA Ogata Research Institute

Moderator: Kayashima Nobuko, Senior Research Advisor, JICA Ogata Research Institute

16:55-17:00 Closing remarks
Kayashima Nobuko, Senior Research Advisor, JICA Ogata Research Institute

JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development (Ms. Arai)

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