일본 유학의 매력

발견! 지역별 NIPPON의 생활



Yamanashi Prefecture is blessed with abundant nature in each of the four seasons, and you can enjoy various sightseeing in each area. 90 minutes by train from the capital, Tokyo. Not only Mt. Fuji, which is registered as a World Heritage Site, but also mountains such as Yatsugatake and the Southern Alps are beautiful, and not only mountain climbing but hot springs, activities and nature experiences are also one of the most popular. Yamanashi offers various kinds of experience and food items for you to enjoy throughout the four seasons. With easy access and comfortable weather, we are looking forward to your visit.

yamanashi *This map does not include topographical features and island areas and does not cover the entire area of Japan.

Famous places / spots recommended by locals



Mt. Fuji, the highest peak in Japan (Height 3776m); and, there are many scenic spots in Yamanashi prefecture for you to view it. In summer, you can climb to the top of the mountain. Please try it.

Arcadia carpeted with pink flowers

Arcadia carpeted with pink flowers

In April, peach blossoms bloom all at once in various parts of the prefecture, and it is called "Momogenkyo" because it looks like a pink carpet.

Foods recommended by locals

  • Fruits


    Fruit Kingdom, Yamanashi. The production of peaches, plums and grapes is the highest in Japan. In addition, various fruits such as strawberries, cherries, and persimmons are cultivated, and you can get them at reasonable prices at many direct sales depot in the prefecture.

  • Hoto


    Speaking of Yamanashi's local cuisine, "Hoto". Hoto has been handed down as Sengoku warlord Takeda Shingen's camp meal. The taste of plenty of vegetables and handmade noodles simmered in miso is great.

Climate (temperature / precipitation)

Temperature (°C)

Temperature (°C) (Source: Japan Metrogical Agency)

Precipitation (mm)

Precipitation (mm) (Source: Japan Metrogical Agency)

Yamanashi Prefecture has the longest daylight hours in Japan and a high rate of sunny weather, especially in Kofu Basin. In summer, even there are few days when the temperature exceeds 35°C, there are only a few days when the temperature exceeds 30°C, so you can spend a refreshing summer.

Cost of living

Rent is based on the research by the national rental management system business assosiation, and others are based on the statistical data by Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication.

  • Rent


    41,761 yen

  • Electricity


    3,870 yen

  • Water


    2,049 yen

  • Ramen
    (Eating out)

    Ramen(Eating out)

    589 yen

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