일본 유학의 매력

발견! 지역별 NIPPON의 생활



The north faces the Sea of Japan while Mt. Daisen spread in the south. The beautiful spring water from Mt. Daisen brings a sense of security to the lives of the locals.

tottori *This map does not include topographical features and island areas and does not cover the entire area of Japan.

Famous places / spots recommended by locals

Tottori sand dunes

Tottori sand dunes

Tottori Sand Dunes is one of the largest dunes in Japan! You can even ride a camel here. And together with the sand art museum on the premises, it gives you an extraordinary sight.

Mizuki Shigeru road

Mizuki Shigeru road

The existence of "yokai" is special to Japan. There is also a shop where yokai objects and goods can be purchased in the hometown of Shigeru Mizuki, who made yokai popular.

Foods recommended by locals

  • Kani-meshi


    A dish which boiled crab meat is sprinkled on top or mixed with vinegar rice, white rice or seasoned rice. It is popular as a winter food.

  • Horumon-yakisoba


    Yakisoba that uses offal instead of ribs. It is popular as a B-class gourmet in Tottori. Juicy offal are addictive!

Climate (temperature / precipitation)

Temperature (°C)

Temperature (°C) (Source: Japan Metrogical Agency)

Precipitation (mm)

Precipitation (mm) (Source: Japan Metrogical Agency)

The average annual temperature in Tottori prefecture is about 14.9°C and is considered as a pleasant climate. Precipitation is high throughout the year.

Cost of living

Rent is based on the research by the national rental management system business assosiation, and others are based on the statistical data by Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication.

  • Rent


    39,274 yen

  • Electricity


    4,032 yen

  • Water


    1,877 yen

  • Ramen
    (Eating out)

    Ramen(Eating out)

    635 yen

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