일본 유학의 매력

발견! 지역별 NIPPON의 생활



Fukushima Prefecture boasts the third largest area in Japan. It is a prefecture with magnificent nature and delicious food, where warm people live; and, it is divided into three unique regions. "Aizu region" where you can see abundant nature and many historic sites related to the Aizu warrior. "Nakadori" where full of beautiful flowers and fresh fruits. "Hama-dori"is facing the Pacific Ocean, overlooking the magnificent landscape. Each region has its own charms with different climates, cultures and weather, which surprises and impresses visitors.

fukushima *This map does not include topographical features and island areas and does not cover the entire area of Japan.

Famous places / spots recommended by locals

Somanoomaoi wild festival

Somanoomaoi wild festival

"Soma Nomaoi", which is held every July in Soma City, Fukushima Prefecture, has a history of more than 1000 years. Let's experience the Warring States period when more than 500 horse-riding warriors wear armor helmets and run through!

Hot springs

Hot springs

Fukushima Prefecture has more than 130 hot springs, and each region has its own unique hot spring town. Why not taking a trip around the hot springs in Fukushima, regardless if it is a stay or a day trip bath?

Foods recommended by locals

  • Negi-soba


    Ouchi-juku is a post station that has the remnants of the Edo period in Shimogo Town, Fukushima Prefecture. The specialty of the onion soba is that it uses a single green onion instead of chopsticks. Please try and see if you can eat skillfully!

  • Fruits


    In Fukushima, you can enjoy seasonal fresh fruits such as cherries in early summer, peaches in midsummer, pears and grapes in autumn, and apples with honey in early winter, taking advantage of the weather and climate peculiar to the basin. Enjoy fruit picking all year round.

Climate (temperature / precipitation)

Temperature (°C)

Temperature (°C) (Source: Japan Metrogical Agency)

Precipitation (mm)

Precipitation (mm) (Source: Japan Metrogical Agency)

The Nakadori region is not very hot in the mountains in summer, but it can be quite hot and humid in the basins. In winter, cold winds and snow fall. The Aizu region has a climate on the Sea of Japan side. In summer, it gets cooler in the mountains, but in the basin it gets hot and humid. In winter, it snows a lot and the temperature is quite low. Due to the oceanic climate in Hamadori region, cool breeze blows from the sea in summer, making it relatively easy to spend, and even in winter it is relatively warm, with only a few snowfall days.

Cost of living

Rent is based on the research by the national rental management system business assosiation, and others are based on the statistical data by Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication.

  • Rent


    43,676 yen

  • Electricity


    4,764 yen

  • Water


    2,172 yen

  • Ramen
    (Eating out)

    Ramen(Eating out)

    564 yen

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