El atractivo de estudiar en Japón
La vida en Japón según las zonas específicas
Tokushima Prefecture has a magnificent nature that occupies 80% of the prefecture's area, and its history and culture still remain. Spots where you can see rare phenomena such as Naruto whirling waves are also attractive. The traditional Awa Odori that you are not able to see elsewhere is also attractive!

Famous places / spots recommended by locals

One of the three major tides in the world. You can feel the force of the whirling waves up close on a tide-viewing boat where you can observe the whirling waves in the sea!

Awaodori Kaikan
"Awa Odori" is a traditional Tokushima dance with a history of 400 years. You can enjoy it all year round. It is also connected to the ropeway platform, allowing you to head to Mt. Bizan.
Foods recommended by locals
Pork bone soy sauce soup as its base; it features sweet and spicy seasoned pork with raw eggs.
Tokushima Prefecture's local cuisine - "Dekomawashi", is a kind of grilled skewer that uses local potatoes and soba dumplings.
Climate (temperature / precipitation)

Temperature (°C) (Source: Japan Metrogical Agency)

Precipitation (mm) (Source: Japan Metrogical Agency)
The average annual temperature is about 16.5°C, which is a relatively warm and comfortable climate.
Cost of living
Rent is based on the research by the national rental management system business assosiation, and others are based on the statistical data by Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication.
43,456 yen
5,135 yen
1,490 yen
(Eating out)592 yen