Association des anciens étudiants

En vedette: présentation des associations d'anciens étudiants

Mombusho Scholars Association of India (MOSAI)

Indian scholars who had been to Japan for higher study and research on Monbukagakusho Scholarships initially formed an alumni association. Subsequently its membership was extended to all Indians with one year or more experience of study/research in Japan. In 1986, MOSAI was registered as a voluntary not-for-profit organization to promote Indo-Japan academic and educational cooperation as its main objective. Its members are specialists in Social Sciences, Science & Technology, Language, Literature, Public administration, etc. occupying important positions in universities, research institutions, industries, and government.

All India Japanese Language Speech Contest All India Japanese Language Speech Contest
Kizuna India-Japan Study Forum Kizuna India-Japan Study Forum
EJU Examination EJU Examination

The annual activities of MOSAI are:

Guidance to Indian students on graduate & postgraduate studies in Japan by its Higher Educational Counselling Cell; Conducting entrance tests for Japanese Universities(EJU) in cooperation with JASSO; Japanese language teaching at the MOSAI Institute of Japanese Language in New Delhi; Organizing All India Japanese Language Speech Contest of winners of regional Japanese Language Contests organized by partner associations or MOSAI in Pune, Kolkata, Chennai and Delhi for Japanese language students in the west, east, south and north regions of India; Conducting the well-known Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) of the Japan Foundation in New Delhi- JLPT was also started in India by MOSAI; Participation in programs of South Asian Federation of Japanese Universities Alumni Associations (SAFJUAA) & initiation of South Asia Japanese Language Speech Contest.

MOSAI has also constituted Kizuna India-Japan Study Forum, an international network for studies on historical and cultural interactions between India and Japan through conferences, seminars and publications. With encouragement, support and cooperation from the Government of Japan, its Embassy and Consulates, the Japan Foundation, Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO), Associations of Japanese residents in India and others, MOSAI has emerged as a lead voluntary organization specializing in the promotion of educational and academic cooperation between India and Japan. Its President received the Emperor of Japan's Medal of Honour and the Foreign Minister of Japan accorded commendation to the association. The following URL may be visited for details of MOSAI activities: dans une nouvelle fenêtre
https://www.kizunamosai.inOuvrir dans une nouvelle fenêtre

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