Study in Japan Fair 2024 (Taiwan)

Study in Japan Fair 2024 (Taiwan) Flyer

1. Overview

This event is for those interested in study in Japan. You can consult individually with Japanese universities, Professional Training Colleges (Specialized Training Colleges Postsecondary Course), Japanese Language Institutes, and other educational institutes at their booths. You can also participate in seminars on overview of study in Japan, scholarships, and experiences of study in Japan. Admission is free and no advance application is required. We look forward to seeing you there!

2. Event Type


3. Date/Venue


July 13 (Saturday),
July 14 (Sunday), 2024

11:00 - 17:00

Songshan Cultural and Creative Park
No.133, Guangfu South Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City 11072, Taiwan

4. Target Participants

  • High school and university students wishing to study in Japan
  • College guidance counselors
  • International educators, etc.

5. How to Apply

No reservation required

6. Participation Fee

Free of charge

7. Program

(1) Brochure display and distribution

Display and distribution of reference materials such as school catalogs, application guidelines, and syllabi inside the exhibitor's booth

(2) Individual consultation

Individual consultation on the educational programs, the admission procedures and the characteristics of participating institutions from representatives of those institutions

(3) Seminar

Presentations on an outline of Study in Japan, Japanese government scholarships, student testimonials, etc.

10. Organizers

(1) Organizer

Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)

(2) Co-organizers

  • National Association of Vocational Schools of Japan
  • Metropolitan Tokyo Professional Institution Association

(3) Supporters

  • Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association (Tentative)
  • Taiwan-Japan Relations Commission (Tentative)

(4) Cooperators

  • Overseas Students Japanese Scholarship Association (Tentative)
  • The Language Training & Testing Center (Tentative)

11. Inquiry


2-2-1 Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-8630, Japan
Independent Administrative Institution
Japan Student Services Organization
Information Services Division Student Exchange Department
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