Online job fair event related to 14 fields of specified skilled worker for international students (Immigration Services Agency of Japan)

Immigration Services Agency of Japan will hold the online job fair event for international students who would like to work in Japan as a specified skilled worker from Nov. 2021 to Mar. 2022.

This event is design to much Japanese companies with international students living in Japan or abroad, and to give oppotunities for job interviews.

For more information, please download following the PDF.

Application and Event Schedule

Or you can find the latest information from the website.

Support Website for the Specified Skilled Worker Program | Immigration Services Agency of Japan (

For further inquiry, please contact below.

[About this event]
Immigration Services Agency of Japan
TEL: 03-3580-4111

[About application]
株式会社インジェスター (かぶしきがいしゃ いんじぇすたー)

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