Японд төгсөгчдийн холбоо
Тусгай булан:Японд сургууль төгсөгчдийн нийгэмлэгүүдийн танилцуулга
- Японд төгсөгчдийн холбоо
- Тусгай булан:Японд сургууль төгсөгчдийн нийгэмлэгүүдийн танилцуулга
- The Japan-Brazil Alumni Association of Brasilia (ABRAEX)
The Japan-Brazil Alumni Association of Brasilia (ABRAEX)
The Japan-Brazil Alumni Association of Brasilia (ABRAEX) aims to maintain alive the alumni experience in Japan and deepen their cultural and academic relationship, publicize the scholarships awarded by the Japanese Government, organize, and participate of cultural events, support new scholarship students before leaving Brazil and during their stay in Japan, and welcome them upon their return helping to find job here.
We invite you to engage in one of the local alumni associations when you get back to Brazil. There are several associations just like ours all throughout the country. Contact details are available in our website: ABRAEX. Our union will help those students searching for information and guidance in this unique opportunity that is to study in Japan.
In Brasilia, ABRAEX congregates both MEXT Alumni and JICA trainees. Some Brazilian associations in other cities have the same structure as well. We are discussing and trying to create a broader network.
We are waiting for you when you finish your studies in Japan. Please, contact us or one of the other associations closer to you.