Японд төгсөгчдийн холбоо

Тусгай булан:Японд сургууль төгсөгчдийн нийгэмлэгүүдийн танилцуулга

ASEAN Council of Japan Alumni (ASCOJA)


In 1974, the "Reunion of Southeast Asian Graduates from Japanese Universities" invitation program was launched out of the initiative of the late Prime Minister Takeo Fukuda (Minister of Finance at the time). ASCOJA was established in June 1977 by participants who had deepened their relationships in the "Reunion" for the purpose of continuing the exchange of information and experiences among member countries.

Member associations of ASCOJA

Every ASEAN country has a member association of ASCOJA composed of former graduates, scholars, students, and trainees of Japanese universities, schools and training institutions:


  1. To serve as a center for continued exchange of information and experiences among the member associations on all matters of common concern.
  2. To undertake worthwhile projects designed to foster closer ties among the member associations for the improvement of their common cultural and material interests.
  3. To strive towards the promotion of friendship and prosperity in ASEAN in close cooperation among the member associations as regional neighbors.

Main activities

  1. ASCOJA holds an annual Conference (the member associations take turns to be the host country).
  2. ASCOJA provides information related to study in Japan and cooperates with other entities such as Embassies of Japan for the Japanese language education and the spread of the Japanese culture.
  3. ASCOJA provides useful services to Japanese companies in ASEAN countries.

ASJA International

ASJA (Asia Japan Alumni) International

ASJA (Asia Japan Alumni) International is an international institution established in April 2000 as the counterpart of ASCOJA in Japan.

ASJA implements exchange programs for Japanese government (MEXT) scholarship students from ten ASEAN countries so that they may become future leaders who act as a bridge between Japan and their home countries.

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