Японд төгсөгчдийн холбоо

Тусгай булан:Японд сургууль төгсөгчдийн нийгэмлэгүүдийн танилцуулга

Philippine Federation of Japan Alumni, Inc. (PHILFEJA)

Philippine Federation of Japan Alumni, Inc. was founded as umbrella organization of five Filipino scholars' alumni groups in 1976. PHILFEJA has promoted academic and cultural interaction between Japan and the Philippines and received the Foreign Minister's Commendation in 2018.

HP Address http://www.philippinesjapansociety.com/philfeja/
Address Philippines-Japan Alumni Center, 823 Sergio H. Loyola St., Sampaloc Manila City, Philippines
Contact philfeja@yahoo.com
  • Philippine Association of the Japanese Government Scholars. Inc. (PHILAJAMES)
  • JICA Alumni Association of the Philippines. (JAAP)
  • The Philippine Cultural and Technical Association of Returned Overseas Scholars (PHILCULTAROS)
  • Association of Philippine Private Alumni of Japanese Universities (APPAJU)
  • Samahan ng mga Pilipinong Nag-aral at Nanirahan sa Nippon, Inc. (SAPILNIP)


  • Provide support to academic and cultural activities of alumni organizations
  • Coordinate communication among alumni organizations
  • Promote scholarship programs
  • Attend and cooperate with the ASCOJA General Assembly and related activities

PHILAJAMES 50th Anniversary Cerebration (Dec, 2022) PHILAJAMES 50th Anniversary Cerebration (Dec, 2022)

Pre-departure Orientations for MEXT scholars (Sep, 2023) Pre-departure Orientations for MEXT scholars (Sep, 2023)

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