Японд сурахын давуу тал

Шинэ нээлт! Нутаг бүс бүрээр харуулсан Японы амьдрал



A merchant town that was once called the "kitchen of the world". Therefore, it is attractive with many generous people. Also, the comedy culture that is popular all over Japan is familiar, and all the prefectural residents love to have fun!

osaka *This map does not include topographical features and island areas and does not cover the entire area of Japan.

Famous places / spots recommended by locals

Expo'70 Commemorative Park

Expo'70 Commemorative Park

The venue for Japan World Exposition held in 1970. Even now, the "Tower of the Sun" is majestically stood in the large park, and you can feel the power of those days.



It is a typical Osaka downtown area. Various restaurants are lined up and exhibiting their prosperity.

Foods recommended by locals

  • Takoyaki


    Speaking of Osaka, it must be "Takoyaki!" The hot and edible takoyaki is exquisite and is popular as a soul food in Osaka.

  • Okonomiyaki


    Okonomiyaki is as popular as takoyaki. Mix cabbage and pork with the dough and bake it on an iron plate. Then, eat it with sauce or mayonnaise.

Climate (temperature / precipitation)

Temperature (°C)

Temperature (°C) (Source: Japan Metrogical Agency)

Precipitation (mm)

Precipitation (mm) (Source: Japan Metrogical Agency)

There is little rain throughout the year in Osaka. Temperature is particularly high in summer, so it is essential to take measures against the summer heat.

Cost of living

Rent is based on the research by the national rental management system business assosiation, and others are based on the statistical data by Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication.

  • Rent


    52,922 yen

  • Electricity


    3,920 yen

  • Water


    1,354 yen

  • Ramen
    (Eating out)

    Ramen(Eating out)

    616 yen

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