Planning to Study in Japan


Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) Scholarships

Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students

This program offers scholarships to privately financed international students enrolled in universities, graduate schools, junior colleges, colleges of technology, professional training colleges and educational institutions with preparatory courses for entering Japanese universities, as well as Japanese language institutions in Japan (hereinafter collectively referred to as "universities, etc."). To apply, such students must be outstanding in both academic achievement and character, while encountering financial difficulties in pursuing their studies.
* Only those whose status of residence is Student are eligible for the International Student Scholarship (Monbukagakusho Scholarship for International Students). Those who have a status of residence other than Student such as Dependent or Long-term Resident are not eligible.

Eligibility Monthly Amount Payment Period
  • Graduate schools (doctorate, master's)
  • Research students (graduate level)
  • Undergraduate universities
  • Junior colleges
  • Colleges of technology (third year and above)
  • Specialized training college (post secondary course)
  • Preparatory Japanese language course by private university and junior college student
  • Advanced course by university, junior college, and technical college
  • University preparatory courses
48,000 yen In general, one year from April to March of the following year, or six months from October to March of the following year
  • Japanese language institutions
30,000 yen

Application Requirements and How to Apply

Applying before coming to Japan or admission to universities, etc.

Privately financed international students achieving excellent results in the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU) and planning to enroll as regular students in Japanese university undergraduate schools, junior colleges, colleges of technology (third year or above) or professional training college programs will be selected as reservation holders of the Reservation Program for the Monbukagakusho Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students.

Individuals selected as reservation holders this program and later admitted as regular students in undergraduate universities, junior colleges, colleges of technology (third year or above) or professional training schools within the designated period, as well as those recommended by the university or school to JASSO as being so accepted and receiving a decision from JASSO, may receive scholarships.

How to Apply:

Taking the EJU in Japan: When applying for the EJU online (application), select "Apply " in the "Reservation Program for the Monbukagakusho Scholarship for Privately Financed International Student " column.

Taking the EJU outside of Japan: Enter a "〇" in the designated box on the EJU application form.

Applying after coming to Japan / after entering a university, etc.


  • The applicant must be enrolled as a regular student in a Japanese graduate school or have an undergraduate degree or higher and be enrolled as a research student in order to conduct research activities at the graduate level.
  • The applicant must be enrolled as a regular student at a university, junior college, technical college, or special training college in Japan.
  • The applicant must be enrolled as a regular student in a major course or a special course for international students established by a Japanese university, junior college, or technical college.
  • The applicant must be enrolled as a regular student at an educational institution that offers preparatory courses for admission to a Japanese university.
  • The applicant must be enrolled in a Japanese language educational institution with the aim of entering a Japanese university, graduate school, junior college, technical college, or special training college.

Application requirements:

  • Applicants must earn grade point averages at least of 2.30 for the previous year, and are expected to maintain this level of performance during the period of the scholarship.
  • The applicant must meet the following language standards in Japanese or English. (* Excluding special courses for international students, preparatory courses, and Japanese language institutions.)

Japanese language proficiency: Pass the JLPT N2 level or higher, score 200 or higher on the EJU Japanese as a Foreign Language (Reading Comprehension, Listening Comprehension, and Listening-Reading Comprehension), or score at least at the level of language proficiency otherwise recognized by JASSO

English proficiency: B2 level or above in the CEFR

  • The applicant must be willing to cooperate with the survey on their academic career conducted by ETIC through their university or other institutions after receiving the scholarship.
  • The average monthly amount of remittances (excluding entrance and tuition fees, etc.) must be less than 90,000 yen.
  • If the applicant has dependents living in Japan, their annual income must be less than 5 million yen.
  • The applicant must not be a recipient of a scholarship or other benefits that are restricted from being paid in conjunction with the scholarship.
  • Applicants must not be receiving assistance or other support under the JASSO Support Scholarships for Study in Japan.
  • The applicant must be aiming to enter a university or other higher education in the year following the year in which they receive the scholarship. (Japanese language institutions only)

How to apply:

Confirm with the person in charge at your university, etc.
* Because the number of students who can be recommended varies from school to school, some schools may not be able to apply

Student Exchange Support Program (Scholarship for Study in Japan under Agreement)

Please contact the university you are currently enrolled at for information on applying for this program, etc.

Eligible Recipients Eligible Countries and Regions Monthly Amount Payment Period
  • Individuals who are permitted by the host university based on the agreement on student exchange, etc.
  • Individuals who are unable to participate in the inbound program solely at their own expense for financial reasons
  • Individuals who can surely obtain the Student status of residence when participating in the host program (For those participating in an acceptance program of 90 days or less, any type of residency status is acceptable.)
  • After the completion of the program, individuals must return to their home institution to continue their studies and obtain a degree from the home institution or graduate from the home institution
  • Individuals with academic performance character
  • For individuals receiving scholarships other than this program for participation in the Scholarship for Study in Japan under Agreement, the total monthly amount of the scholarship must not exceed 80,000 yen

Countries with diplomatic relations with Japan

(However, Taiwan and Palestine are eligible)

80,000 yen

From 8 days to 1 year.

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