Last update:2021-07-21 10:50:11
Law | Literature | Information Engineering, Computer 2021 Kobe University Summer Study Program
- Period of study : 1 year
- Medium of instruction : Japanese(50%) and English (50%)
Period of enrollment/applying /Date of examination result announcement
Entrance period (month) | Month | July |
Special notes | Six lectures were given during the period. | |
Starting period (month) to apply to the entrance examination | Month | |
Special notes | ||
Ending period (month) to apply to the entrance examination | Month | |
Special notes | The application deadline is three days prior to the date of each lecture. | |
Number of Recruits | Number of students | |
Special notes |
Examination subjects 【Exam required at the time of application】
E-mail: cie-kobestp【@】
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