Reasons to Choose Japan
Why Study in Japan?
- Reasons to Choose Japan
- Why Study in Japan?
What is the purpose of your study abroad?
(Multiple answers allowed)
No.1To work in Japan or to get a job at a Japanese company
No.2To obtain a degree
No.3To acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for employment
4To become a more educated person
5To gain international experience and make international contacts
6To improve my Japanese language skills
7To be exposed to different cultures
8To develop an international mindset
9To conduct research in a good environment
Why did you choose Japan for your study abroad destination?
(Multiple answers allowed)
No.1Interested in Japanese society and wanted to live in Japan
No.2Wanted to study Japanese language and culture
No.3Attracted by the education and research at Japanese universities
4There was a specialized field I was interested in
5Wanted to experience a different culture
6Its geographical proximity
7Japan was more suitable destination than other countries in terms of academic ability and cost
8Wanted to work in a profession related to Japan
9Recommended by a friend, acquaintance, or family member
Are you glad that you chose to study in Japan?
Source: 2023 Lifestyle Survey of Privately-Financed International Students (JASSO)
"The country is reputed for its level of hospitality. Many Japanese people have showed me more kindness than I can ever expect."
"I felt my research environment very comfortable, I can do experiments for my research with advanced facilities."
"My Japanese friends and supervisors are so humble and often helped me to solve my problem about studies or even in my daily activities."